Monday before last I did a training day on Wellbeing. I’m finally getting around to putting together my self-care toolkit. All this stuff was spread around my flat in various places where it lives. But I gathered it all together for a quick phone photo (because my camera is an important item that needed to be in the photo).
My mid-September resolution is to make (at least) one hour every day, in a single block, an hour for self-care. Here are the items I gathered up to make up my toolbox.
Blanket, cushions and hot water bottle – For comfort on the odd occasion I decide to listen to a meditation. I’ve really tried with this but I really struggle with trying to keep my focus. I’m going to try and find some YouTube videos of sound therapy routines instead. I keep trying to book myself into sound therapy sessions/sound baths but there is limited availability for these and spaces fill up really quickly. This is something I want to learn how to do myself and I’m investigating sound therapy courses. The wee singing bowls are expensive though so if I can find something on YouTube or Apple Music that will do for now.
Books – Fiction, I was always a huge bookworm in childhood and my teens. I’m trying to back into reading. This pile of books I bought a while ago and are all still sitting unread except the top one which I started and really enjoyed but somehow forgot I was reading it. 3 hours a week minimum for reading from now on is my goal.
Camera – My photography skills will keep progressing into the future, I don’t really have a favourite thing to take photos of, whatever opportunity presents itself, I’ll have a go. I think the last thing I photographed in earnest was a soap-box race.
Candle – This is a scented candle that I stuck in to remind myself to get some incense, but I’ve just remembered the essential oil burner I bought myself and rarely used. It’s probably a much safer option for my forgetfulness.
Colouring Book and pencils – I tried mindful colouring and it stuck for a wee while. These pencils were expensive enough when I bought them during lock down so I’ve added them to my toolbox to remind me it’s an option.
Google Hub Thingy – This wee yock displays photos, I listen to the radio and Apple music on it. It also has a timer on it and the time and the weather and all sorts of useful stuff.
Hot Chocolate – I meant to include it in the photo, but forgot!
Inspirational Quotes – Just a wee book of quotes by various people. I could look them up online but they are less likely to stick and it just turns into more doom scrolling if I do it on-line.
Journal and Instax Printer – Really hard to try not too see this as a chore. In theory I know the benefits and advantages and what I’ve written and the photos I’ve printed to go with it is lovely to have and keep. I wrote about some big important events that I experienced over the summer that is a bit too personal to share with everyone and it will be really helpful to have that record but for everyday use, I feel I’d rather put stuff in my blog or my facebook page. It just feels a bit too much like talking to myself.
Laptop – This is my representation of sharing my photos, it’s what I write my blog and Facebook posts on, it represents my chill time on Netflix and Disney plus (unplugging the tv and adding it to the pile for the photo seemed a bit unnecessary lol)
Make-up case – It doesn’t get used enough. I’m very comfortable in my own skin and a bit of tinted spf50 does for most occasions but it’s still nice to get the glad rags on and get dolled up once in a while.
Mobile Phone – I’m trying very hard to consciously use my phone better. It’s my tool for keeping in contact with people, friends and family whether that be by phone call, WhatsApp, messenger or social media. However I have a terrible habit of doom scrolling. I can let hours pass just glued to my phone and at the end of the time when I snap back to reality I’ve not learned anything of any great value, I don’t recall enjoying that time or reading anything interesting or seeing a funny video. I’ve just lost that time with nothing to show for it. I’m going to try and figure out how to use tools on my phone (if they exist) to limit my time doing certain things on it or at least monitor how much time I waste every day. (Time that could be spent reading for example). If anyone knows of any useful iPhone tools or apps that do this, please give me a shout!
So that’s my self-care toolbox. Everyone should have one, you don’t need to gather it all together or put it in a physical box. It can be just a list of your go to things or activities for your own personal ‘me time’. What’s in your self-care toolbox?
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